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Master of Architecture Studio Thesis
2006-2007 Detroit, MI

*UPDATE* may/2/07

Thesis Book: (.pdf)
part 1: paper (160kb)
part 2: precendent studies (2.2 MB)
part 3: site analysis and springboard design (2.3 MB)
part 4: design and development (1.6 MB)
part 5: final project and conclusion (2.4 MB)

Through the design of multiple public scenarios such as a washroom, car wash, bus stop, and park, this thesis seeks to engage citizens in the experience of contradiction of being in public but yet being in private; of being unsure about who the "public" really is and who can claim a stake on that space. This thesis seeks to appropriate public land for public services. By providing a program that is common to all, the project hopes to engage and reach the public and help realize a truly public architecture. Using the commonplace and everyday as a springboard to truly bring about change, perhaps it is possible to achieve the ideas of social justice via the creation of a truly public space. By providing a public service, it is possible to then allow for the integration of all people, homeless people included, without forcing the issue or trivializing a response. A good understanding of the "parts" will allow for the reconfiguration and alteration of those parts into new tendencies and relationships that lead to new understandings of experience and of space. The unique nature of individual parts and the combination of them to form a whole involves resistance, reaction and conflict; and it is within this working relationship of conflict and challenge that invites possibility for resolution and collaboration.

Site Studies
01cloudatlas 02boards_site-1 02boards_site-2    
Bus Stop / Information Hub
boards_bus-03 boards_bus-04 boards_bus-05 boards_bus-06 boards_bus-07
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boards_bus-18a boards_bus-19 boards_bus-20    
Steam Car Wash
boards_carwash-01 boards_carwash-02 boards_carwash-03 boards_carwash-04 boards_carwash-05
boards_carwash-06 boards_carwash-07 boards_carwash-08 boards_carwash-09 boards_carwash-10
boards_carwash-11 boards_carwash-12 boards_carwash-13 boards_carwash-14 boards_carwash-15
boards_carwash-16 boards_carwash-17      
Garden Pods
boards_garden-01a boards_garden-02 boards_garden-03 boards_garden-04 boards_garden-05
boards_garden-06 boards_garden-07 boards_garden-08 boards_garden-09 boards_garden-10
boards_garden-11 boards_garden-12 boards_garden-13 boards_garden-14 boards_garden-15
boards_garden-16 boards_garden-17 boards_garden-18 boards_garden-19  
boards_washroom-01-copy boards_washroom-02-copy boards_washroom-03-copy boards_washroom-04-copy boards_washroom-05-copy
boards_washroom-06-copy boards_washroom-10a boards_washroom-11-copy boards_washroom-12-copy boards_washroom-13-copy
boards_washroom-14-copy boards_washroom-15 boards_washroom-16a    
Early Sketches/Studies
fall06det 056_1b fall06det 086_01a housing 071 copy5 osaka copy pan_busstation01a_6
pan_griswold1 copy sketch-01 sketch-02 sketch_park_01 sketch_street_01 copy
springboardone 077 copy5 steam_ani20323      


Each individual is a single part: a member - that makes up a larger whole: society. However, the power in society is not shared by all individuals that make up the society. This can result in conflicts where the over arching whole of society does not serve the interests or meet the needs of the individual members that make up that whole. The changing dynamic of the city and the ever-emerging global influence can impose policies and forces that leave some individuals in society displaced. Displaced individuals seek to make use of whatever resources are available to live their lives. By examining the ways which displaced members of society attempt to make use of available public resources and the potential loss of one's habitat, this thesis seeks to create potential by claiming unused public space and confront public policies that prevent their use by all citizens.The circumstance surrounding the claiming of unused or void public spaces brings about conflict especially with the government that owns it. Displaced people will ultimately find a way to shelter themselves, but how does the government (and the society it serves and represents) respond to such actions by its own people?


public washroom proposal

a public washroom is an interesting problem facing urban cities. on the one hand, it meets a very real need that often arises and that everyone can identify with. on the other hand, it presents problems of maintenance and management. no one wants to clean up another person's mess.

public washrooms are a human right. to deny the use of a washroom is inhumane. if having to go is a natural human condition and there are no public washrooms to meet that need, and it is illegal to go in public anywhere other than a washroom, the problem cycles back on itself.

a civilized society will address this need in some way. the problem of a permanent toilet is the issues of maintenance, security, vandalism, etc. the public washroom houses a true public need that all of society experiences. how can the public washroom properly address all the people using the facility? a true public washroom is open to the public. therefore, a wide range of people will end up interacting with each other on some sort of level. the following will be things I intend to explore:

" the disjunction between the homeless person and society -
" integrate and provide public service to all
" random interaction between different people brought together for the same reason
" class matters, but doesn't matter because the actions and event of the washroom levels everyone to the same base of human
" steam pipe exhaust reclamation for heat and water use
" relationship to inside/outside. what is public? what is private? a public toilet is a very private thing.
" security concerns, maintenance and upkeep (private/public again in some ways)

going to the toilet, smells
washing hands, sounds - drying hands - feel, texture
awkwardness - vision, smell,
strangers - public place, but private events